Upgrading our Cineplex

Thanks to the continued support from our loyal customers were are pleased to have some lovely announcements. We have managed to survive post-pandemic with a steady influx of revenue from investors and patrons and our outlook for the future looks outstanding. Additionally. we will be equipping our theaters with a huge screen with laser projection. None of our cineplex’s 10 auditoriums currently offers big format, so the Ultra Laser-equipped auditorium will be a new experience for local moviegoers. In addition we will be be upgraded with VIP seats. Each of the theater’s auditoriums will include one or two rows of semi-private, two- and three-seat pods that may be reserved at a premium charge. VIP seating will be arranged in privacy enclosures, according to our officials, which will increase personal space and comfort. The heated reclining seats, two side tables, personal item storage compartments, and coat hooks will all be included in the two- or three-seat pods. Additionally, we intend to expand our cineplex by adding more theaters with screens and seats.

In order to build all of these additions we have to make sure that our existing foundation can handle all the additional weight that the new structures will be putting onto it. So we had to consult with some structural engineers to perform a structural engineer inspection of our existing structural foundations. They did their inspection and they determined that before we built additional structures, we needed to have more foundation and structural support in place so everything doesn’t collapse. Since there would be several load bearing walls removed during our construction process, it would be imperative that we have the proper supports in place and new ones constructed in the correct areas. This is something we had planned for but our investors fronted us the money and we had the work done that needed to be done. We were very pleased with the quality of work that denver structural engineer had performed. They inspected our foundation and they informed us that they did not find issues that would lead them to believe that the structural integrity was compromised. Furthermore, they did some load calculations and confirmed that the foundation could handle the additional weight that would be added from all the upgrades to our theater.

Laser experience

This fall, we will be the first cineplex to get a Laser Ultra-equipped big-format screen auditorium.

We describe laser projection as “a high-end large-screen format with immersive Dolby Atmos audio that uses laser projection to produce unmatched clarity, vibrant color, and outstanding contrast. Laser technology uses a high frame rate to show 4K movies.

Industry trends

After covid, we have been able to keep up with several industry trends over the years. 

Our upcoming upgrades to the theater will be the first major ones since pre-covid in 2019. Even though the epidemic affected the movie theater business, attendance has been increasing.

The studios are now following a regular timetable for theatrical releases. One of the biggest second-week holds is “Top Gun: Maverick,” and “Lightyear” is about to come out. We’ve reached the stage where enormous blockbusters are released week after week. We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces soon!